- Lenk- Simplified design of switching power supplies- Butterworth-Heinemann- 30€
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- Padova- Adobe Acrobat 9 PDF Bible con cdrom- Wiley- 20€
- Paul- Introduction to electromagnetic compatibility- Wiley- 40€
- Peek, O'Reilly, Loukides- Unix power tools con cdrom- O'Reilly/Bantam- 25€
- Rosch- The hardware bible 3rd ed.- Sams 10€
- Rosch- The hardware bible 5th ed. con cdrom- Que 15€
- Schultz, Melsa- State functions and linear control systems- McGraw 60€
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- Shaw- Fighter combat tactics and maneuvering- Naval Institute Press 30€
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- Whitaker (editor)- The electronics handbook- CRC Press 40€
- Zingales- Metodi e strumenti per le misure elettriche- UTET- 45€
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